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Etiket: Atom ve çekirdek fiziği nedir

Atom Nedir 10 Sınıf Fizik

Atom nedir 10. sınıf? Das Atom ist der Kleinste Baustein der Comptanz, der Ein Chemisches element BililT. Feststoff, Flüssigkeit, Gaz ve Plazma Besteht Aus nötren Oder Ionisierten Atomen. Die meisten atome haben eine Größe von 10 Milliarden 1 metrede (DH Etwa 100 pikometre). Atom fiziğinin tanımı nedir? Atom physics; It examines the structure of the atom, the events that occur in the atomic dimension, the interactions of atoms and molecules. Nanotechnology is one of the areas of application of atomic physics. Studies such as quantum computers, artificial intelligence and 3D printer are among the popular topics of nanotechnology. Kaç çeşit…

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